Clock Hours

Clock Hour Claim Information for Attendees

To log in:

Once logged in, click on the Clock Hours dropdown (upper right corner by name) and select "Claim Clock Hours"

Type in Clock Hour Claim Code: {{ClockHourClaimCode}}

Claim code for this event only. Subsequent events require a new claim code.

Event: {{Proposal.Title}}

Maximum clock hours available: {{ClockHours.UnitsAvailable}}

Clock Hour Class Number: {{Proposal.ClockHourNumber}}

FOR Presenter/Admin

  1. Immediately after your event has concluded, scan* and upload the completed sign-in sheets into pdEnroller. Go to your account, select ‘My Presentations/Events’ and click on the title of the event you are uploading sign in sheets from. Scroll down to the sign-In sheet section, then click on ‘Upload Sign-In Sheets.’ Clock hours cannot be granted until you have uploaded ALL completed sign-in sheet(s). You must also email the scanned sign-in sheets to your district curriculum office contact for their records.

  2. Attendees are required to complete the pdEnroller evaluation to earn clock hours. You may access the evaluation responses by going to your profile and selecting ‘My Presentations’ or ‘My Events.’ Choose your event from the ‘Past Presentations/Events’ list by clicking on the event’s title. You will find the evaluation response option on that webpage.