Highly Capable Program

The Highly Capable Program is designed to challenge gifted learners and allow them to grow their pace. Please see the Highly Capable Plan, to the right, for more details. 

Annual Highly Capable Notification

If you believe your child should be considered for the Highly Capable Program, you can complete the Highly Capable Nomination Form

2024-25 HiCap Plan

Universal Screening

All student will be screened for the Highly Capable program during their 2nd and 6th grade years using the MAPs test, which students already take. This means students will not need to take "one more test" to be considered for the Highly Capable program.

Additionally, parents can request that their student be evaluated for the Highly Capable Program by completing a Highly Capable Referral Form

If your child is selected to be assessed for the Highly Capable program a school or district staff member will contact you to get permission to proceed with a more detailed and time intensive assessment of your child's skills. After the assessment is completed the Multidisciplinary Selection Committee (MDSC) will notify you as to whether or not your child has qualified for the Highly Capable program. 


Parent/guardians have the right to appeal the decision of the Multidisciplinary Selection Committee (MDSC) by completing an appeals form. The written appeal request, along with the original data, will be reviewed by the committee. Additional testing or other information may be requested before making a decision. Parents will be informed in writing of the final decision. 

If you have questions or concerns please contact the Highly Capable Student Coordinator: Katherine Jordan at (360) 963-2067 or katherine.jordan@cfsd401.org