Cape Flattery School District
PO Box 109, 13193 HWY 112, Sekiu, WA 98381
PH. (360) 963-2329Staff Evaluation & State Assessment
The Cape Flattery School District has chosen to use the CEL (Center for Education Learning) Model for its Evaluation Program.
The CEL Model is built on an evidence-based instructional framework: the 5+ Dimensions of Teaching and Learning (5D+). The 5D+ framework provides critical questions for school and district leaders to consider as they observe the teaching and learning process:
Purpose: Setting a clear, meaningful course for student learning
Student engagement: Encouraging substantive, intellectual thinking
Curriculum and pedagogy: Ensuring that instruction challenges and supports all students.
Assessment for student learning: Using ongoing assessment to shape and individualize instruction
Classroom environment and culture: Creating classrooms that maximize opportunities for learning and engagement
The University of Washington “5D+ Framework” helps teachers and leaders develop a common language and a shared vision as they undertake the hard work of improving student achievement. For additional information on the CEL model go to
In addition, our principals will be evaluated using the Association of Washington School Principal’s Leadership Framework (AWSP). The AWSP model is based on all eight of the state criteria and provides a common language of instruction, as well as a set of rubrics to help assess what good leadership looks like. The eight criteria are as follows:
Creating a Culture: Influence, establish and sustain a school culture conducive to continuous improvement for students and staff.
Ensuring School Safety: Lead the development and annual update of a comprehensive safe schools plan that includes prevention, intervention, crisis response and recovery.
Planning with Data: Lead the development, implementation and evaluation of the data-driven plan for improvement of student achievement.
Aligning Curriculum: Assist instructional staff in aligning curriculum, instruction and assessment with state and local learning goals.
Improving Instruction: Monitor, assist and evaluate staff implementation of the school improvement plan, effective instruction and assessment practices.
Managing Resources: Manage human and fiscal resources to accomplish student achievement goals.
Engaging Communities: Communicate and partner with school community members to promote student learning.
Closing the Gap: Demonstrate a commitment to closing the achievement gap.
For additional information on the AWSP model please visit
Student Growth Resources
Student Growth Modules
Criterion 8 FAQs