Payroll & Human Resources

Welcome to the Cape Flattery School District.  We are here to assist you with HR and Payroll needs as to efficiently as possible.   Current and new employees will find PAYROLL, BENEFITS and RETIREMENT information on the left side-bar.  Links to Employee Online are found below.  We hope you will find the information we provide helpful.

For HR assistance please call 360-780-6537 or email Tracey Rascon at


Employment Information - can also be accessed from Our District tab.

Employee Online

We use direct deposit to pay all employees and use the Internet based Employee Online System to electronically display the Time and Earnings report (pay stubs). 

(The Direct Deposit form can be found under Payroll>Payroll Forms)

Employee Online is also used for:

To login:

Your username and password is unique. Not necessarily your computer login password. If you have not logged in before, contact Enrollment Secretary or if you forget your password, click "Forgot Password" on the login page. If you get locked out after 5 attempts, please call (360) 963-2058 or email

Contact Payroll Department

Ph.: 360-780-6534

Fax: 360-214-5722

Mon-Friday, 8am-4pm